
I am a Ph.D. candidate at Human-Computer Communications Laboratory (HCCL), The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), supervised by Prof. Helen Meng. Previously, I received my M.Phil. degree from the Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CASIA), where I was supervised by Prof. Jie Tian. And I received my Bachelor's degree from Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT).

I am currently a research intern at Microsoft Research Asia. My research interests focus on language modeling for speech synthesis and the integration of speech with large language models. I am also working on speech processing and recognition.

🟢   I am currently on the job market. Please drop me emails!


[Sep 2024] Four papers was submitted to ICASSP 2025, including one first-authored [paper]. Thank you to all collaborators!
[Jul 2024]We present [MELLE], a concise, continuous-value token-based language model for TTS, forgoing cumbersome NAR steps.
[Jun 2024]We propose [WavLLM], a robust and adaptive speech LLM achieving SOTA performance on various speech-related tasks.
[Jun 2024]Three papers has been accepted to ISCA INTERSPEECH 2024, including one first-authored [paper].
[Jan 2024]  Two papers has been accepted to IEEE ICASSP 2024.
[Nov 2023]  Started an internship at Microsoft Research Asia.
[May 2023]  One first-authored [paper] has been accepted to ISCA INTERSPEECH 2023.
[Feb 2023]  One first-authored [paper] has been accepted to IEEE ICASSP 2023 (Oral).
[Jun 2022]  Two papers have been accepted to ISCA INTERSPEECH 2022.
[Mar 2022]  Our [paper] was selected as an ⭐️ ESI Highly Cited Paper by Web of Science.
[Jan 2022]  We won the 2nd place on the diarization track of the ICASSP 2022 - M2Met Chanllenge. This is our [paper].


Since 2021, Ph.D. student, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK)
2018 - 2021, M.Phil., Pattern Recognition and Intelligent Systems, Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CASIA)
2014 - 2018, B.Eng., Electrical Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT)


Selected Publications

[Google Scholar]

- Medical Image Analysis related journal papers:



Teaching Assistance

SEEM 3440, Operation Research II
AIST 3510 / SEEM 3510, Human-Computer Interaction


Some awards on control algorithm and circuit design competitions: